Putting Learners in the Driver’s Seat for the Next Era of Assessment and Precision Education

On this episode of the Academic Medicine Podcast, host Toni Gallo is joined by Kayla Marcotte, MS, Jose Negrete Manriquez, MD, MPP, Maya Hunt, MD, Max Spadafore, MD, and Dan Schumacher, MD, PhD, MEd, to discuss the role of learners in building the future state of assessment; the importance of having a patient-focused, learner-centered, equity-based system …

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Presence With Patients is a Gift: Building Meaningful Patient Relationships

On this episode of the Academic Medicine Podcast, Katherine Chretien, MD, Grant Wilson, MD, and Michelle York, MD, join host Toni Gallo to discuss building meaningful relationships with patients, the small but impactful ways they show their patients they care, and the important role that learners play in connecting with patients and contributing to their care. …

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Transcript for Growing Trust in Patient-Physician Relationships

Below is a transcript of the following Academic Medicine Podcast episode: Growing Trust in Patient-Physician RelationshipsNovember 1, 2021 Read more about this episode and listen here. Toni Gallo: Hi everyone, I'm Toni Gallo. I'm a staff editor with the journal. And my cohost for today’s episode is Dr. Colin West, one of Academic Medicine’s deputy editors. …

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Growing Trust in Patient-Physician Relationships

On this episode of the Academic Medicine Podcast, guest Richard Baron, MD, joins hosts Toni Gallo and deputy editor Colin West, MD, PhD, to discuss the importance of trust in patient-physician relationships and ways physicians can build trust and overcome mistrust with patients and communities, including in conversations about COVID-19.   This episode is now available through Apple …

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It Is Time to Radically Shift Our Perspective About Nonadherence

The End of Nonadherence Improving patient adherence has been a decades-long priority for nearly every health care stakeholder1—except for patients. It is well known that poor medication adherence is responsible for both avoidable spending and avoidable poor health outcomes—yet there have not been adherence marches in the streets demanding that people take their medication as …

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From Interprofessionalism Lite to the Real Thing

By: Jessica Early, a nurse practitioner fellow at the West Haven Veterans Affairs Center of Excellence in Primary Care Education (CoEPCE) During my time in nursing school, the constant refrain was that interprofessional teamwork is the foundation of patient-centered care. In lectures and seminars, we were told that, as nurse practitioners (NPs), our effectiveness depended on collaboration with all …

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