Meet the Editors: Colin P. West, MD, PhD

What are your roles and responsibilities with Academic Medicine?

I am a Deputy Editor with the journal, responsible for manuscript management and contributions to leadership team discussions about all journal functions.

What do you enjoy most about your work with Academic Medicine?

We have a terrific team dedicated to advancing the interests of the academic medicine community. I also enjoy seeing the diverse and fascinating topics and studies our colleagues across the world are working on, a perspective an editorial role provides in a unique way.

Describe your work outside of Academic Medicine.

I am a practicing general internist and biostatistician at Mayo, with multiple teaching and research roles. I am also Assistant Dean for GME Scholarship and Co-Director of the Mayo Clinic Program on Physician Well-Being.

What was your first publication?

My first publication overall was as a medical student: Ely JW, Goerdt CJ, Bergus GR, West CP, Dawson JD, Doebbeling BN. The effect of physician characteristics on compliance with adult preventive care guidelines. Fam Med. 1998;30:34-39. I have to say that more than 20 years later I cringe at our use of the word “compliance”, but this just goes to show that there is always room for growth! My first “first author” paper was West CP, Dawson JD. Complete imputation of missing repeated categorical data: One-sample applications. Stat Med. 2002;21:203-217.

What’s making you happy right now?

My wife is a very accomplished NIH-funded PI, and my teenage children are smart, kind, and interested in making the world a better place. Their successes and growth make me happy!